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If you swipe down from Android’s menu bar twice, you’ll get a nice panel of quick settings you can toggle with one tap. Want to hide some of these settings, move them around, or add new ones? You have a few choices.

如果您从Android的菜单栏向下滑动两次,将会获得一个不错的快速设置面板,您可以一键切换。 是否要隐藏其中的某些设置,在其中移动或添加新设置? 您有几种选择。

Android 7.0 Nougat finally added the ability to customize this menu, though it was available in 6.0 Marshmallow from within a hidden menu called “System UI Tuner”. If you’re , however, you can get even more options on any version of Android, Marshmallow or otherwise.

Android 7.0 Nougat最终增加了自定义此菜单的功能,尽管在棉花糖6.0棉花糖中可从名为“系统UI调谐器”的隐藏菜单中使用。 但是,如果您 ,则可以在任何版本的Android,棉花糖或其他版本上获得更多选择。

牛轧糖用户:使用内置的自定义 (Nougat Users: Use the Built-In Customization)

Customizing the Quick Settings area on Android phones has long been a tweak that custom ROMs and other root mods offer, but with Android 7.0 Nougat, it’s a baked-in feature. Google even released an API that allows developers to build third-party Quick Settings buttons.

自定义Android手机上的“快速设置”区域一直是自定义ROM和其他root mod所提供的一项调整,但是对于Android 7.0 Nougat,这是一项内置功能。 Google甚至发布了一个API,允许开发人员构建第三方“快速设置”按钮。

First things first: go ahead and give the notification area a tug to pull show the top of the Quick Settings panel and notifications. Then, pull it down one more time to show the entire Quick Settings menu.

首先,首先要做的是:给通知区域进行拖船拉动,以显示“快速设置”面板和通知的顶部。 然后,再下拉一次以显示整个“快速设置”菜单。


On the bottom-right corner, you should see an “Edit” button. Go ahead and tap that.

在右下角,您应该看到一个“编辑”按钮。 继续点击。


This will, unsurprisingly, open the Quick Settings Edit menu. Modifying this menu is super simple and intuitive: just long-press and drag icons to where you want them. The Quick Settings menu can be two pages long—you navigate through them by swiping—with nine icons on each. That’s a lot of buttons!

毫不奇怪,这将打开“快速设置编辑”菜单。 修改此菜单非常简单直观:只需长按图标并将其拖动到所需位置即可。 快速设置菜单可以长达两页,您可以通过滑动浏览它们,每页上有九个图标。 有很多按钮!


And that’s really where the power of the new customizable Quick Settings menu shows: you can add custom apps to the menu now. There are already a handful of options in the Play Store, including simple things like and a much more robust, fully-customizable app called .

这正是新的可自定义的“快速设置”菜单的功能所在:您现在可以将自定义应用添加到菜单中。 Play商店中已经有许多选项,包括简单的东西,例如和功能更强大,完全可自定义的应用程序,称为 。

To add one of these custom apps, go ahead and install it on your phone—we’ll be using for this tutorial.

要添加这些自定义应用程序之一,请继续将其安装在手机上-本教程将使用 。

With the app installed, go ahead and jump back into the Quick Settings Edit menu. A new option called “Weather Quick Tile” should be available. Just add that. Yeah, it’s really that simple.

安装该应用程序后,继续并跳回到“快速设置编辑”菜单。 应该有一个称为“ Weather Quick Tile”的新选项。 只需添加。 是的,就是这么简单。

Screenshot_20160802-103132 (1)

This particular app won’t load anything at first—you’ll need to tap it and allow it access to the device’s location. Once that is done, tapping the icon will re-load the weather, and double-tapping will open Weather Quick Tile’s Settings.

这个特定的应用程序最初不会加载任何内容-您需要点按它并允许其访问设备的位置。 完成后,点击图标将重新加载天气,然后点按两次即可打开Weather Quick Tile的设置。

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Screenshot_20160802-105706 (1)

That’s really just the beginning of what customizable Quick Settings will be able to do, but the meat and potatoes are definitely in place. The APIs are available for developers, and as Nougat becomes available on more devices, the selection of available Quick Settings shortcuts will likely also grow. Neat.

这实际上只是可定制的“快速设置”将要执行的操作的开始,但是肉和土豆肯定就位。 这些API供开发人员使用,随着Nougat在更多设备上可用,可用的Quick Settings快捷方式的选择也可能会增加。 整齐。

非root用户的棉花糖用户:启用系统UI调谐器 (Non-Rooted Marshmallow Users: Enable System UI Tuner)

If you’re running Android Marshmallow, you have a slightly less powerful version of this customization hidden behind a secret menu. To enable the System UI Tuner, pull down the notification shade at the top of your Android smartphone or tablet’s screen. Long-press the gear icon that appears between the battery indicator and your profile image.

如果您运行的是Android Marshmallow,则该自定义功能的功能可能会稍差一些,并隐藏在一个秘密菜单后面。 要启用系统UI调谐器,请下拉Android智能手机或平板电脑屏幕顶部的通知栏。 长按出现在电池指示器和个人资料图像之间的齿轮图标。


After about five seconds of holding, it should begin to spin. A notification saying “Congrats! System UI Tuner has been added to Settings.”

保持约五秒钟后,它应开始旋转。 通知说:“恭喜! 系统UI调谐器已添加到“设置”。”

This is a new settings screen that will appear in Android’s system-wide settings app. To access it, open the app drawer and tap the “Settings” app icon. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. You’ll see a new “System UI Tuner” option appear under About phone or About tablet. Tap it to access the formerly hidden options.

这是一个新的设置屏幕,将显示在Android的系统范围内的设置应用中。 要访问它,请打开应用程序抽屉,然后点击“设置”应用程序图标。 向下滚动到屏幕底部。 您将看到关于手机或关于平板电脑下出现一个新的“系统UI调谐器”选项。 点按它可以访问以前隐藏的选项。


Open the System UI Tuner screen and Google warns you that these options are “Fun for some but not for all.” As Google puts it, “these experimental features may change, break or disappear in future releases. Proceed with caution.” Tap “Got It” to continue.

打开“系统用户界面调谐器”屏幕,谷歌警告您这些选项“对某些人来说有趣,但对所有人而言却不是。” 正如Google所说,“这些实验性功能可能会在将来的版本中更改,破坏或消失。 谨慎行事。” 点击“知道了”继续。

In a sense, this is like –both on Android and on desktop platforms. While the Developer Options screen hides options intended for developers, the System UI Tuner screen hides options intended for Android power users and tweakers.

从某种意义上讲,这就像 –在Android和台式机平台上一样。 “开发人员选项”屏幕隐藏了供开发人员使用的选项,而“系统UI调谐器”屏幕则隐藏了供Android高级用户和调试器使用的选项。

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Tap the “Quick Settings” option to rearrange your Quick Settings tiles. Press and drag to rearrange, or drag to the trash can to remove tiles you don’t want to see. You can also click the “Add Tile” button to see if there are any unused tiles you want to include.

点击“快速设置”选项以重新排列“快速设置”图块。 按下并拖动以重新排列,或拖动到垃圾桶以移除您不希望看到的图块。 您也可以单击“添加图块”按钮,以查看是否有要包含的未使用图块。

If you want to go back to the default layout, tap the menu button and chose “Reset”.


It isn’t quite as powerful as what you can do in Nougat (or with the root tweaks described below), but it’s not bad for a hidden built-in option.


所有Android版本上的root用户:安装Xposed和GravityBox可获得更多选择 (Rooted Users on All Android Versions: Install Xposed and GravityBox for Even More Options)

If you’re , you can customize the Quick Settings menu even further using an app called GravityBox, which contains a ton of awesome system-level Android tweaks. You’ll need the Xposed Framework installed to do this, so if you haven’t already.

如果您是 ,则可以使用名为GravityBox的应用程序进一步自定义“快速设置”菜单,该应用程序包含大量很棒的系统级Android调整。 您需要安装Xposed Framework才能执行此操作,因此如果尚未安装,请 。

If you have Xposed all set up, open the Xposed Installer app and tap the Download button. Tap the search icon and search for “GravityBox”. You’ll want to download GravityBox for your version of Android, so be sure to select the right one (“GravityBox [MM]” for Marshmallow, “GravityBox [LP]” for Lollipop, and so on).

如果已设置所有Xposed,请打开Xposed Installer应用程序,然后点击“下载”按钮。 点击搜索图标,然后搜索“ GravityBox”。 您将要下载适用于您的Android版本的GravityBox,因此请确保选择正确的版本(棉花糖使用“ GravityBox [MM]”,Lollipop使用“ GravityBox [LP]”,依此类推)。

2016-02-22 19.23.00

Swipe over to the “Versions” tab and download the latest version of GravityBox for your phone.


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When finished, the module will be installed, but not activated. In the Xposed Installer, head to the Modules section (or just select the notification that appears in your notification dropdown). Check the box next to the GravityBox module, and reboot your phone.

完成后,将安装模块,但不会激活它。 在Xposed安装程序中,转到“模块”部分(或仅选择显示在通知下拉列表中的通知)。 选中GravityBox模块旁边的框,然后重新启动手机。

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After rebooting, open the new GravityBox app that appears in your app drawer. There are a lot of tweaks in here, and I highly recommend looking through them, but right now we want to customize the Quick Settings menu, so head to Statusbar Tweaks > QuickSettings Management. Tap the “Master Switch” item to turn on QuickSettings. You’ll need to reboot your phone again before continuing.

重新启动后,打开出现在应用程序抽屉中的新GravityBox应用程序。 这里有很多调整,我强烈建议您浏览它们,但是现在我们要自定义“快速设置”菜单,因此请转到“状态栏调整”>“快速设置管理”。 点击“主开关”项目以打开“快速设置”。 您需要再次重新启动手机才能继续。

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Once rebooted, return to GravityBox > Statusbar Tweaks > QuickSettings Management. The world is now your oyster. You can tap “Statusbar QuickSettings TIles” to select which tiles show up (using the checkboxes on the right), and in what order they appear (by tapping and dragging the sliders on the left). You can also tap the three dots for more options, like showing an item in the lock screen only, or putting it in “Dual Mode”. Dual Mode means it’s a togglable button with a menu below it for more settings. If it isn’t in Dual Mode, it’ll go to the settings page for that setting (like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or Cellular).

重新启动后,返回到GravityBox>状态栏调整> QuickSettings管理。 现在,世界就是您的牡蛎。 您可以点击“ Statusbar QuickSettings Tiles”(状态栏快速设置标题)来选择显示哪些图块(使用右侧的复选框),以及显示的顺序(通过点击并拖动左侧的滑块)。 您也可以点击三个点以获得更多选项,例如仅在锁定屏幕中显示项目,或将其置于“双模式”。 双重模式意味着它是一个可切换的按钮,下面有一个菜单,用于更多设置。 如果它不在双模式下,它将进入该设置的设置页面(例如Wi-Fi,蓝牙或蜂窝网络)。

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Head back to the main QuickSettings Management page and you can do even more. You can set tile-specific settings, like changing what options it toggles between for Ringer mode, or even adding app shortcuts to the Quick Settings panel.

回到“快速设置管理”主页面,您可以执行更多操作。 您可以设置特定于图块的设置,例如更改在铃声模式下在哪些选项之间切换,甚至可以将应用程序快捷方式添加到“快速设置”面板中。

You can also choose how many tiles appear per row, access the Quick Settings menu faster by pulling down from the edge, and more. Poke around these settings and you’ll find a bunch of cool tweaks you can apply.

您还可以选择每行显示多少个磁贴,通过从边缘向下拖动来更快地访问“快速设置”菜单,等等。 围绕这些设置,您会发现很多很酷的调整可以应用。




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